The perpetual cycle of life permeates the acoustic journey through the album. As a concept, it is not only a cycle as a whole, but also in its individual elements.
It begins in the north, where the element of earth is housed. "Erdn" describes the ruthless activity of Mother Earth and the return of the bodies to her. This is followed in "Långs" by rebirth and the first breaths that fill the lungs.
The East is home to the wind, which passes through skin and bones, unfolding its intoxicating effect. In "Summa", the focus is on ecstasy and passion. Through the merging of the sexes, connections are created and communities are sealed. The sisters dance like sparks around the hot embers of the fire in the south. A transformation heralds the "Herest". Arriving from the long search for oneself.
Slowly rising from the floods of life in the west. Water, as it can be found in all its facets, not only serves as the basis of life. It symbolizes wealth and basic rights and was set to music as an ode to the trinity of life. "Winta" honors transience itself and the acceptance of one's own transience in the knowledge that the perpetual cycle of life will begin anew.